<aside> 🚇 On this page: Instructions on how to configure and test different headcount growth scenarios.

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Are you looking to meet your headcount growth expectations in the upcoming months? Orgnostic’s Headcount Scenario Planning tool can help you achieve your goals by allowing you to play with different parameters that affect headcount growth. By simulating future outcomes, you'll be able to identify the steps you need to take to meet your growth expectations.

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Headcount Scenario planning basics

The Headcount Scenario Planning tool extends your Headcount Growth Rate graph into the future, showing you two distinct projections:

Access Headcount Scenario Planning tools

Your starting point is in the Headcount chapter:

  1. From the Headcount chapter, navigate to the Headcount metric:


  1. Click the Targets label at the bottom


The Target-setting and Scenario-planning tools will be revealed below.

Create Headcount Growth scenarios

The Scenario Planning Tool consists of a set of input fields and sliders to set targets and simulate future scenarios.

The elements are grouped into three sections: