<aside> 🚇 On this page: Manage the list of users who have access to your Orgnostic account.

Related pages:



If you are an Administrator of your organization’s Orgnostic account, you can invite new team members, assign roles to define their account permissions, and fine-tune each member's access levels individually.

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User roles and permissions

There are three roles you can assign to new members: Admin, HR, and Manager.

Admin Unrestricted account access (including Billing and Permission management)

HR Restricted from accessing the Rewards chapter and restricted from accessing billing and permissioning

Manager Like HR, but can’t create or launch surveys and can’t create or share custom reports and chapters

Breakdown of default features per role:

Admin HR Manager
View https://orgnostic.notion.site/4790f10eeba54da4a60f2ff291d20942
(excluding https://orgnostic.notion.site/Rewards-cb1419b0f1ef406ca56e707e17ca43de)
(excluding https://orgnostic.notion.site/Rewards-cb1419b0f1ef406ca56e707e17ca43de)
View Survey results
Launch surveys
Create and share custom reports, chapters, surveys
Weekly reports
First report
Data Health
Connect external data sources
Billing management
Permission management
Account management*

*Account management permissions include the ability to irreversibly delete organization’s Orgnostic account and all associated data.

Edit permissions from the “My profile” page

Everything related to access permissions is handled from the My profile page.

To access the page, click your name to open the drop-down menu, then go to My profile

Frame 1.png

Invite new users

  1. From the My Profile page, scroll down to the Team members pane

  2. Click Invite team member

    Frame 2.png

  3. In the resulting dialogue, start typing the name of the person you want to invite, then find them in the drop-down menu. We know them from your HRIS system.

If you are looking to invite someone who is not in your HRIS system, go to the “Outside the organization” tab and invite them via email address

![Frame 16.png](<https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ae5c7bd3-150a-4f47-bd35-3f7db0118e8c/Frame_16.png>)
  1. Choose the role you want to assign to the new user: Admin, HR, or Manager

    Frame 17.png

    <aside> ⚠️ Warning: Granting Admin privileges allows that user to delete the Orgnostic account and permanently remove all organizational data.


  2. Fine-tune the feature Depending on the role, default features will be selected.

Keep in mind — some of the features can’t be turned on for a specific role (like the Rewards Chapter for Managers in example) or turned off (like user management for Admins)

![Frame 18.png](<https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6ab2e471-b92b-40d4-abfc-ae1e7647ad66/Frame_18.png>)