<aside> 🚉 On this page you can find: How to share and control access to the board


You can share each board you have created!

Set the metrics you want to follow, filter out data scope of interest if you want, and share it with your team members.

To share a board, click on the Share button next to the board title.

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You will see a sharing dialogue opened.

You can share your board just with the people in your organization (for now). If you can’t find a person, you’ll need first to invite them and set their data scope access. You can do this either on Profile page → Team members section or by clicking on the link in the text.

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To find a team member (already using Orgnostic), just click in the “Find people” input, and you will see a complete list. You can search/filter a list but typing their name or email address.

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If you want to share a board with a team member that has fewer data scope access than you, there will be a “See what they see” option next to their name. Click on this button will give you a preview of the data they will see on the board. Think of this as “double check”, in case you have to share some sensitive data on the board (e.g. Rewards metric etc).

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This is how they will see data they don’t have access to. If you decide to give them access to a specific piece of data, you can do this by changing their general data access on Profile page → Team members section (if you have a permission to do so).

If you are sharing a board with a team member with more data access, you won’t be able to see what they see.